Please learn the truth about the unimaginable cruelty of the meat, dairy and egg industries and anywhere else animal are being exploited for food, clothing, entertainment, cosmetics and how it is effecting the animals, our health and the environment.
The Documentary Movie Earthlings: Watch The Movie Here
Gary Yourofsky – The Best Speech You’ll Ever Hear
Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat By Melanie Joy
101 Reasons to Go Vegan – Get Out of The Matrix
Funny & Thought-Provoking Colleen Patrick-Goudreau: From Excuse-itarian to Vegan
If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls – Paul McCartney
12 Reasons you may never want eat turkey again – Free From Harm
The Film Vegucated
Got Milk?
Cruelty at New York’s Largest Dairy Farm
Got The Facts On Milk? The Feature Documentary
What’s Wrong with Eggs? Evolve Campaigns
Look Where Eggs are coming from
Overfishing and more: Sea The Truth
The Fur Industry: How fur coats and fur trims are “made”
Cruelty in down industry: Feathers for Comforters, Coats and Pillows
Abuse for Entertainment
Elephant is one of the most intelligent creature on earth, so sad. Elephant training abuse
Documentary that explores purported abuse and brutal treatment of elephants: An Apology to Elephants
Mercy for Animals against Foie Gras
What about Our Health?
The Movie Forks Over Knifes:
Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Discusses the science behind food additions
KrisCarr – Crazy Sexy Cancer
What’s wrong with Honey?
Are Bees in global Extinction? The bees are dying
The Bees Colony Collapse Disorder
Read Crop Pollination Exposes Honey Bees to Pesticides
Cruelty in the Honey Industry
Eating Animals By Jonathan Safran Foer
World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony