How I Removed the Beast from my Plate and Replaced it with Beauty and Beets
Hello and Welcome! I’m a home-chef living in New York with my husband and daughter. I’m a Food-Shopaholic and I love to cook and talk about food. In 2012 I made a change to a Vegan lifestyle with my family, here is more about that..
All Living Things
It may surprise you to know that I never really liked animals and was never close to them. I didn’t hate them—I just ignored them. I was afraid of dogs and was disgusted by hairy sofas at cat lovers’ houses. I always felt uncomfortable with animals and wanted to leave as fast as I could on a visit to the zoo.
My first memory with animals wasn’t a positive one: when I was about 6 years old my parents got us a puppy—his name was “Goory.” All I remember is my sister and me sitting on top of the closet, refusing to come down until my father would hold the “scary” little puppy. Shortly after that we gave him away. This was my attitude toward animals for most of my life.
So…What happened?
In 2012, I watched a Speech on animal rights and veganism. It shocked me and made me look at meat with disgust, but I didn’t know how to process the information in my mind yet. Something in my awareness was awakened; my perspective on food, animals and life began to change. I was hungry for knowledge and devoured any information I could find.
The “no turning back” point was the day I watched the documentary film Earthlings, which shows humanity’s use of animals. It deeply affected me and I cried the whole time. Finally, I made the connection between the food on my plate and where it came from, I knew right then I would no longer consume any animal products. Even though it was hard to watch I did not close my eyes. I felt a sad and powerful awakening and to this day I want my eyes to stay open.
Living with Compassion
My compassion for animals came from internalizing and understanding the term Speciesism. What is Speciesism? It’s like racism or sexism. One group sees themselves as superior to another group, which let’s them disassociate from that group and treat them as property, exploit them, or kill them. In this case, the victims of discrimination are the animals.
It’s hard to comprehend that animals are sentient creatures that have emotions, families, and social interactions. Yes, they are different than human beings but they feel pain just like us, they experience motherhood, communication with each other and their life is valuable. We have no right to torture and use them for our food, clothing, and entertainment. Personally, I don’t think I’m superior to anyone—including animals—and for this reason I don’t want to control, exploit, eat them and I would not support the industries that do it. This is the least I could do for the animals, and I’m very thankful that my husband and daughter have come on board.
Being Vegan for me is being aware and awake, it is not about rules and regulations or belonging to a group. It is about minimizing the suffering of sentient living beings as much as I can.

With Dylan the Calf at Woodstock Animal farm Sanctuary NY
Playing with Food
Art was always part of my life. Being creative took me through painting and drawing, to jewelry-making and graphic design. So, to me, cooking comes naturally and making good food is my new art. Usually, I don’t follow recipes exactly. I get the general idea from it and give it a twist, making it my own. I love exploring ingredients and inventing new dishes. Even as a child, my family teased me for doing experiments in the kitchen. I didn’t like traditional food as it was and I needed to reinvent it.
I kept on educating my self about food and healthy lifestyle. Even before the change, I was conscious of what I ate and was mindful of the nutritional value of the food. I love to use quality ingredients- fresh, whole, natural and organic- which made for a smooth transition into the “health department” of the Vegan world.
When I started to experiment with Vegan cooking, there was an adjustment period and I had my share of kitchen “failures” and frustrations, I found myself looking for “glue” to replace eggs and searching for the perfect Tofu makeover. But it was well worth it, since now there is a happy vibe in the kitchen, my heart feels clean and my plates are smiling.
This blog was born to share my recipes and to share my family’s experience with the transition into a cruelty-free lifestyle. And finally, what I studied in cooking school and chef training courses is going to be put for a good use!…
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you’ll be inspired here!
• Please Stop Contributing to Animal Suffering! • Go Vegan! • The Time is Now! •