I’m still on a roll to cover all the basics, which means ingredients that I use as “helpers” when I’m ready to “throw something on the stove”, make a quick sandwich or marinade I always have some kind of spread, sauce or a paste like this one to add into the mix and kick it up a notch.
There are so many hot sauces and hot pepper pastes you could buy but it’s so much more fun to make one of your own and play with it until it fits your taste. I like to make it more like Harissa sauce which is a north african hot chili sauce. I don’t really follow strict rules or recipes here. You can use dried chillies or fresh ones like Jalapeño. In this recipe I used both dried chillies and red Jalapeño peppers. It is rare to see red Jalapeños but they’re actually just fully ripened green Jalapeños that turned red.
I do have one warning though, DO NOT touch your face and eyes after handling hot peppers! It will burn so bad you’ll have to call the fire fighters 😉
5 Dried Red Hot Chili Peppers
5 Fresh Jalapeño Peppers
1 tsp. Vinegar or Lemon juice
Olive Oil (or if you prefer another oil; grape seed oil would be good)
½ tsp. Ground Cumin seeds
½ tsp.Ground Caraway seeds
½ tsp Ground Coriander
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Crushed Garlic (Optional)
Soak the dried peppers in hot water for at least 1 hour, wash and drain.
Remove all stems from the dried and fresh peppers.
In a food processor place the peppers and spices, process and add the oil gradually until the mixture gets a paste consistency. Taste and correct the seasoning
Place in a container, pour some extra oil on top to create a top layer. that will keep it fresh longer.
You can add garlic and chopped cilantro if you like.

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