Hummus is a must have staple in our kitchen, it’s always in the fridge and ready to use as a base for sandwiches, wraps or just like in this recipe – as a dip topped with mushrooms, served with fresh pita bread and chopped salad. Hummus is a Mediterranean spread/dip made from Garbanzo beans A.K.A Chic Peas, Tahini paste, lemon and spices. It is a good source of protein, calcium (in the Tahini) and is very satisfying.
I sometimes buy a good quality Hummus but prefer to make it myself from scratch. It takes 5 minutes on the clock to prepare, and yes, I did time myself (: I like to use the BPA-Free Tetra Pak® Garbanzo Beans or the BPA-Free Can (just like in my Mexican Black Bean Dip recipe). Sometimes I add a bunch of pitted olives into the food processor, for added zest, and make an Olive- flavored Hummus, which is absolutely De-Lish’!
1 Can or 1½ Cup Cooked Garbanzo beans (about 15oz)
1½-2 Tbsp. Tahini
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice (Juice of ½ lemon)
1 tsp. Cumin
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
Salt to taste
For the Mushroom Topping:
1 Pack Baby Bella Mushrooms, sliced ,stems off
Oilve Oil
Salt and Pepper
Chopped Parsley ,Scallion and Paprika for garnish
Place all Hummus ingredients in a food processor and mix, add lemon juice and olive oil gradually, until it becomes paste like consistency. Taste and adjust to your liking.
If it’s too “dry”, I like to add a little bit of the sesame oil that’s at the top of the Tahini Jar. (It also adds more flavor).
You can add more lemon juice or water if it is still not as smooth as you like, add it gradually, a Tbsp at a time so it won’t be too “watery”.
Don’t forget to leave some whole chic peas on the side for later.
Sauté the mushrooms in oil for a few minutes, until soft, add salt and pepper to taste.
To serve, generously spread homemade Hummus on a plate. Drizzle olive oil on top, add mushrooms, chic peas and scallion. Decorate with paprika and parsley.
Get some fresh pita bread and start “wiping”…

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